Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the highest quality olive juice. Its flavor, texture and color make it stand out from any other type of oil. In addition, its consumption presents innumerable health benefits and hence, today it is considered a fundamental food and of recognized prestige in the kitchen worldwide.
However, and although it does not have an expiration date, if it is not properly preserved, its organoleptic characteristics may be altered and many of its properties may even be lost, becoming a virgin with some perceptible defect, frequently rancidity.
For this reason, we want to share a series of tips to preserve the oil in the best way and thus maintain all its qualities and properties:
1. Protect it from light. This is one of the factors that most affect the composition of extra virgin olive oil. Therefore, it is advisable to store the containers in a dark place or with very little light. This is the main reason for the opacity of our Morales Selección glass containers: Museo, Aliño and Tribuna. https://aceitesmorales.com/tienda/
2. Avoid heat. It is very important to keep the containers away from any source of heat. Prolonged exposure to heat can cause the different alcohols present in extra virgin olive oil to evaporate, deteriorating its texture and making it lighter.
3. Keep the container closed. Although extra virgin olive oil contains numerous components that act as natural antioxidants, if it is allowed to come into prolonged contact with oxygen in the air, it will eventually become rancid. One consequence of rancidity is that the polyphenols, antioxidant substances present in extra virgin olive oil, are gradually reduced, with which the beneficial properties for health of these substances are also diminished. Therefore, it is very important that the container is hermetically closed. At Aceites Morales, we use nitrogen to prevent the oxidation of our oils. In this link you can see how: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0HWyFmEZjgsUMnVJbXCgyLjo5jHeVtGAguXRz4qqs1cdZRuQjNtyrV4hBoYwHeg9Jl&id=306668296406676
Although we believe that these tips are very important, it is advisable to take the best before date as a reference and try to consume it before. We also recommend not buying more than what is really going to be needed in 6 months.
Our cellars have air conditioning, lighting and conservation systems with nitrogen, with which we can ensure fresh extra virgin olive oil and in ideal conditions for consumption throughout the year.