In recent years, the taste for what is natural and authentic is growing… In this sense, unfiltered extra virgin olive oil has become fashionable.
This oil is characterized by its turbidity and is considered the gourmet oil par excellence.
It is convenient that you bear in mind that the turbidity is caused by natural remains of the olive juice and pulp particles. These remains favor fermentation of the oil that in the long run gives it a worse flavor and makes it lose quality. For this reason, it is important to consume it as soon as possible, nothing to save it for a special occasion.
Unfiltered extra virgin olive oil does not necessarily have to be of higher quality and its consumption does not provide greater organoleptic nuances than filtered oil… Filtering is not a chemical process, it is a natural process through which the oil is passed through a paper to remove all impurities. You can do it yourself by passing it through the filter of a coffee maker and you will see how the oil achieves brilliance without losing aromas and/or flavor.
In short, if you take into account its high conservation and consumption requirements, filtered extra virgin olive oils are always better for two reasons:
1. Its consumption does not provide major organoleptic nuances to the filtered oil. Quite the contrary, with the passing of the months it loses them. The turbidity is caused by natural remains of the olive juice, basically small particles of pulp and some moisture. These remains favor fermentation of the oil that in the long run gives it a worse flavor and makes it lose quality. That is why it is important to consume it as soon as possible.
2. Filtering is not a chemical process. It is only made to pass through a piece of paper to remove those impurities. It is a natural process with which it achieves brilliance without losing aromas. Some argue that its aromas are more intense, but professional tasters deny this.
So… What are the advantages of unfiltered oil?
The main one is that it guarantees the freshness of the EVOO. This can only be from the last campaign because over time the unfiltered oil settles by gravity, leaving the wells at the bottom and clarifying the rest.
In any case, if you are using unfiltered green oil, you will soon be able to place your order through our corporate http://WhatsApp You can also buy it filtered in our Aliño early extraction format: